Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Power Of Observation

Many serious spiritual ‘teachers’ throughout history have transmitted, each in their own unique way, a truth about spiritual/personal growth that has now been proven by Quantum science. That truth is simply this; that to ‘observe’ something (in any way – directly or indirectly) causes it to change. Quantum scientists discovered this when attempting to moniter / look at their experiments. They found it impossible to do it without impacting the experiments’ results.

Now you say, "sure, to be conscious is to ‘look’ or be ‘aware’ of what is happening around us". Yes, of course. Quantum science has found that consciousness is in some mysterious way a necessary ingredient to the very creation of the material realm we find ourselves a part of. This means we are all individually  co-creating the/our world on an ongoing basis by the very act of being conscious. There are powerful ramifications, such as responsibility, which stem from that amazing fact.

But there is a bit more to know about this critically important process. From my understanding and put most simply and directly, what is important is the 'quality of the awareness'. Any form will cause change, but only if the consciousness is Objective will a complete and positive Transformation take place. Krishnamurti’s phrase says it best for me: “Choiceless Awareness or Observation of What Is”

This understanding highlights the importance of another ancient wisdom teaching; the necessity for being honest or true to ones’ self/others. (“The Truth Shall Set You Free”) Only in that way can one hope to engender the psychological capacity for objectivity/choicelessness. This requirement is one of the major challenges that all of us face on the Freedomroad, and it is deserving of all the energy commitment necessary in order to achieve it.


Sunday, February 4, 2007

The New Quantum World View

Quantum Mechanics/Physics,

for those a bit unfamiliar, is the name given to the revolutionary science that has been shaking up the old guard world view since its' beginning sometime early last century. (Now, we are no scientific genius's here and we don't need you to be either, but fortunately that isn't required in order to see how the possibilities start to get interesting in light of these discoveries.)

So, for the past 80 odd years or so, many of the best minds out there have been working on this quantum business, and one of the best words to describe what they have been finding is - WEIRD!

Now hold on a second, don't jump to the conclusion that means necessarily Flaky and stuff, ok.

Lots of these 'weird' discoveries have been proven to be true by experiments and high mathematics. Richard Feinman has said that "nobody understands Quantum Physics", and he won the Nobel prize for his Quantum work. It's just that

What they are finding out is; that how the universe works is difficult, if not impossible, for our limited minds to 'grok', so to speak.
(by the way, we wouldn't even have the computers we are using right now if it wasn't for quantum science, as many current components rely for their very existence on applied quantum technology!)

Here are some of the interesting things they have discovered about our quantum universe.

- The Uncertainty Principle (nothing can be known for sure, only approximated)

- Simply observing something in any way, directly or indirectly, (and not just visually) changes it, even transforms it!

- Certain 'things' like light and some other sub-atomic 'particles' can be two different things at the same time (waves and particles)

- some particle pairs act in absolute perfect harmony at great distances from one another, with no known means of communication

- conscious observation seems to be required to bring the physical into existence

In addition, various experiments have proved the following:

- the molecular structure of water has been shown by photographs to be dramatically affected merely by placing paper with different words written on it, such as love, hate, beauty, conflict etc. on top of the container. The positive words engendered harmony in the structure, while the negative caused the opposite effect.

- statistical studies have proved various psychic phenomena, such as remote viewing, healing, unacounted for knowledge of ancient history and languages, etc.

- wild animals in different parts of the world will suddenly change the same behavior at exactly the same time.

All this to show that classical mechanics/physics, which has formed the foundational basis of our collective world view for eons, is being proved fallacious in many important areas.

So what, you say? Well, it makes things a bit tricky, (to say the least) when we use our conscious minds to try and 'figure things out' here in this marvelous creation we call 'Life', not to mention getting a handle on finding our way out of our individual and collective predicament. On the other hand, from these discoveries some new approaches are suggesting themselves, as well as unlikely support for some ancient wisdom teachings. More about that in the next post.